Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday PM: Lessons from the Front Line: Implementing Virtual Social Environments at IBM

Chuck Hamilton, Center for Advanced Learning, IBM

Affordances: what make a VW a VW? How can it be used? The term comes from Donald Norman (the design of everyday things). Use things for what they are best at. Presence and reputation. Space and scale. Practice and simulation. Blending of place. Co-creation and collaboration. Observable behavior and performance. Self and anonymity. Enrichment of experience. Mass connected innovation. Universal visual language.

In a VW, they are things that couldn't be done before -- good things they do.

Space and Scale

Blending of Place

In India, geography is now history. The notion that you don't have to reach into a place in the world, but you can actually just be there. Sitting around a campfire. The design of the space is part of the story being told.

Practice and Simulation

Holoscenes from Trek for vacation. Opportunity when you combine the above things. The more you can practice, the better. Fail often and quickly.

Presence and Reputation

Presence converges around the avatar. You are there (presence) as your avatar.

Self and Anonymity

Interesting when combined with P&R. Why would you use anonymity and self in an example? AIDS community in Vancouver...we can attract a lot of people in a conversation about something that has a stigma associated with it and they never have to reveal who they are. Can one avatar be run by 24 people? Ex: have a doctor avatar played by 24 different people, once per hour. The people they interact with feel like they are talking with the same doctor.

Universal Visual Language

Put someone on a path and I don't have to tell you about how to get there. (Ex: virtual footprints on the ground.) Everything done can be done in a graphic format as a metaphor that people get right away. Put in a chair and people will sit on it. Trust that the users understand this and are applying this (an affordance).

Co-Creation and Collaboration

Completely maleable learning space. People working in the context of each other. Being able to just point at something.

Observable Behavior and Performance

The ability to observe, track, and model behavior. Speed mentoring facility. Put mentors in a pod. Go through a pod as 15 min/pod. Watch and model behavioral change. Play with behavior and performance in this way. Machinima is a good thing to do b/c it captures the whole model for after-action reviews.

Mass Connected Innovation

In China, they like to bring 400-500 people into a room. In this culture, mass collaboration is very common. Wikinomics. Great innovation opportunity that we have yet to leverage.

Enriching the User Experience

When a class is over, how can you measure what someone has learned? Pull in other corporate technologies and incorporate it into VW. Try to make the experience richer. Build experiences, not banquet halls. Tie them to everything that everyone is doing. The richer the experience, the more value you bring.

Final message: dig deeper. We look to VWs to augment what is already going on. Educators see things come and go. e-learning is an example of Must get over the gaminess. Discussing affordances did not happen with e-learning.

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