Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday AM: When Virtual Worlds Meet the Real World at Chevron (Keynote)

Kevyn Renner, Senior Technology Consultant, Chevron Global Manufacturing

"Work is something you DO...not someplace you ARE."
Archaic work processes, limited situational awareness, ...
RAVE: Refinery Asset Virtualization Environment
Too much data, not enough actionable information.
Can we use an immersive VW for optimizing performance?

Collaboration is not just about putting people together in a room. But you need to have a contextual environment. Don't put a maintenance guy in a room without a maintenance context and something to fix.

Issue: how to bring aging workforce into new space? Massive data volumes, but not capable of extracting useful information from it. Stacks of technology.

Situational awareness: the conciousness of farther facts. There are 2 forms of perception: active and passive. Passive is discreet-oriented: take in input, process it, do something about it. Active is constantly adjusting based on what is happening around. SA does both: observe, orient, decide, act.

Virtually InVisible Cloud of Context

Immersive Operations Intelligence: be able to walk into your spreadsheet or dashboard. Aggregate data, data discovery.

Refinery units scanned via point clouds. Models must be kept up-to-date. Any changes to a RW item require rescanning.

Persistence is important. People can come in and see where other people left off.

Immersive nature is tough to get across to most people. Why do you need avatars? "You have to use it to feel it." Once you have used an avatar in a virtual room, you have really entered that room. You do not get this with a web-X or web meeting. It is disconcerting as humans b/c you are used to the tactile feel of a real room.

Interaction in real time, immediacy. You do not get this in WebX.

Nothing really new or engaging in this session. This guy made training in a VW. Nothing new.

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